You might have woken-up one day to experience pains in certain parts of your body. Most times in the cause of carrying out our daily jobs we ended up having backaches, In this article, we will be looking at the Common causes of backaches. 

  1. Sleeping or using the wrong bed.

Some people don’t pay attention to the bed they are sleeping on. Sleeping on the wrong bed can also cause backaches, Some people don’t realize this.

  1. Sitting for a longer period of time:

If your job requires you to sit for 4 – 5 hours, find time to take a short break. Sitting for too long can cause backaches.


  1. Frequently carrying of heavy bags

If you normally carry a heavy bag to and fro from work? consider reducing the load. Before going out for work check the content of your bag and see if there are things that you don’t really need to carry, At least it will save you the trouble of carrying heavy loads.


  1. Pregnancy

Pregnancy can also cause backaches due to additional weight by the baby increasing the pressure on the mother’s back. One of the easiest solutions for this problem is to engage in walking. walk around a bit for some minutes. these will not only help in preventing back-aches but is also part of the exercise that is essential to your health.

These are some common causes of backaches although there could be some other causes not listed here the highlighted are the most common ones.

From what you have read so far you should be able to avoid backaches.


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